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About Us

The Nepean Naval and Maritime Museum is staffed and operated by Ex Servicemen who have a great love and passion to share and preserve their stories.

To share and commemorate our Naval history

Museum crest trace.png

The building housing the museum was constructed by the members of the Naval Association in the 1980's using grant money for the NSW Government and our members sweat, along with the help of local businesses and the RAN apprentices

at the HMAS Nirimba.

The museum was established in 2015 and its collection of Naval history has been developing and expanding ever since.

Our main goal is to provide a space to both celebrate and remember the service of our members in the Navy and to provide an insight to the community of what service is the Navy was like. 

The museum has managed to collect and curate a vast range of Naval equipment that's not usually seen outside of the Defence Force and have displayed it for viewing.

Covering a period between the 1950's until the 1990's it reflects the technological development over the period.

Nepean Bridge 1953-s.jpg

As we are evolving, things will change and new items become available new displays will be added and expanded.

Within the museum we have a collected a number of books and manuals which can be used for accurate research.

These cover training of seamen, navigation and engineering on ships as well as books written about Naval incidents and reference books covering the past 30 years.

Many of these books are now no longer generally available, so our small library can be a real benefit to those looking for greater understanding of Naval & Maritime subjects.

All are welcome to visit and spend time in the museum - feel free to ask our staff any questions you may have while you are here.

We ask for a gold coin donation so that we may continue to maintain and grow the museum and its collection.

Museum Staff

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